Scraper extractor types explained

We support the following extractor types:


Select this extractor type if you want to extract the text content from a selector.

For example, if your target is:

<h1>This is the page title</h1>

The extraction will be: 


"page_title": "This is the page title"


Inner HTML

Select this extractor type if you want to extract the text content but also the HTML markup INSIDE the selected element.

For example, if your target is:

<h1>This is the <span>page title</span></h1>

The extraction will be:


"title_inner_html": "This is the <span>page title</span>"


Outer HTML

Select this extractor type if you want to extract all content from the selected element, including the HTML markup.

For example, if your target is:

<h1>This is the <span>page title</span></h1>

The extraction will be:


"title_outer_html": "<h1>This is the <span>page title</span></h1>"



Select this extractor type if you want to get the content from an HTML attribute.

For example, if your target is the attribute href:

<a href="">click here</a>

"" will be extracted and assigned to the variable name you have defined.


"link": ""


You can use any HTML attribute. Some common examples are: href, id, class, src, alt, style, and type.


This option is useful to extract groups of data together. A collection can have sub-selectors in order to group information into a nested key. It is useful for cards and table rows.

You could extract something like this:


<div class="coin">

<h3 class="name">Botcoin</h3>

<p class="price">$19</p>


<div class="coin">

<h3 class="name">Etirum</h3>

<p class="price">$17</p>



Into this:


"coins": [


"name": "Botcoin",

"price": "$19"



"name": "Etirum",

"price": "$17"




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